We use a renormalization group based smoothing to address two question
s related to Abelian dominance. Smoothing drastically reduces short di
stance fluctuations but it preserves the long distance physical proper
ties of the SU(2) configurations. This enables us to extract the Abeli
an heavy-quark potential from timelike Wilson loops on Polyakov gauge-
projected configurations. We obtain a very small string tension which
is inconsistent with the string tension extracted from Polyakov loop c
orrelators. This shows that the Polyakov gauge-projected Abelian confi
gurations do not have a consistent physical meaning. We also apply the
smoothing on SU(2) configurations to test how sensitive Abelian domin
ance in the maximal Abelian gauge is to the short distance fluctuation
s. We find that on smoothed SU(2) configurations the Abelian string te
nsion was about 30% smaller than the SU(2) string tension which was un
affected by smoothing. This suggests that the approximate Abelian domi
nance found with the Wilson action is probably an accident and it has
no fundamental physical relevance. [S0556-2821(97)04623-7].