This paper explores the thesis that both modernism and postmodernism,
as contemporary cultural phenomena, have been unable to come to terms
with the issue of human rationality in any positive way. As a result o
f this, nearly all of the stereotyped ways of relating theology and sc
ience through models of conflict, independence, consonance, harmony, i
ntegration, or dialogue are likely to be revealed as too simplistic ge
neralizations about the relationship between these two dominant forces
in our culture. What is proposed is a postfoundationalist model where
theology and science can rediscover the resources of rationality shar
ed by these two reasoning strategies. Postfoundationalism in theology
and science wants to point creatively beyond the confines of the local
community, group, or culture toward a plausible form of interdiscipli
nary conversation. In taking seriously the role of local context and i
nterpreted experience, postfoundationalism in theology and science sho
uld enable us to reach beyond the walls of our own communities in cros
s-contextual, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary conversation.