Objective-To examine the association between oxidative stress and antioxida
nts in neonatal calves after birth.
Sample Population-Sera from 6 healthy Holstein-Friesian cows and 7 of their
newborn calves were obtained at various intervals after birth.
Procedure-Lipid peroxides in serum of cows and their newborn calves were es
timated by measuring concentrations of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substan
ces (TBARS). The antioxidative activities of neonatal sera were evaluated b
y measuring their superoxide-scavenging activities, ferroxidase activities,
and the concentration of bilirubin-associated albumin.
Results-Concentration of TEARS in neonatal sera within 1 day after birth wa
s significantly higher than concentrations greater than or equal to 2 days
after birth and concentrations in serum of the dams. In contrast, antioxida
tive activities of neonatal sera, evaluated on the basis of super oxide-sca
venging activities, ferroxidase activities, and concentration of bilirubin-
associated albumin 3 hours after birth, were significantly lower than antio
xidative activities in sera of the dams.
Conclusions-Susceptibility of calves to oxidative stress during the neonata
l period may be explained by the immature defense system against superoxide