OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of chronic alcohol intake on the DNA distri
bution and cell area of normal oral mucosal cells.
STUDY DESIGN: Smears were taken from clinically normal buccal mucosa of 50
patients attending an alcohol-problem service (i.e., chronic alcohol use) a
nd average alcohol units per week recorded. DNA distribution histograms and
total cell area values were then compared to those obtained from smears ta
ken from a control group (which included social drinkers) of patients atten
ding for routine dental treatment. Nuclear DNA content was assessed on 100
randomly selected, Feulgen-stained nuclei using a Seescan TV image analysis
system, and total cell area was assessed on 50 Papanicolaou-stained cells
using the Vids V image analysis system.
RESULTS: The DNA distribution histograms were essentially diploid in appear
ance for the alcohol group, although there was an increase in nuclear DNA c
ontent in the occasional nucleus. A highly significant reduction in total c
ell area was found for the alcohol group when compared to the controls.
CONCLUSION: The chronic ingestion of alcohol is associated with a reduction
in total cell area but appears to have little effect on nuclear DNA conten
t. Our previous research using the same technique showed that oral cancers
are frequently nondiploid. Thus, a nondiploid DNA distribution histogram fo
r smears taken from a clinically suspicious lesion in someone who consumes
excessive amounts of alcohol is unlikely to be due to alcohol use alone and
should indicate biopsy.