OBJECTIVE: To determine the biopathologic profiles of breast cancer for gre
ater knowledge of tumor natural history and clinical outcome.
STUDY DESIGN: In 99 in situ (ISC) and 2718 infiltrating breast carcinomas (
IC), biologic markers (estrogen receptor [ER], progesterone receptor [PR] p
roIiferation index, cerbB-2/NEU, p53, bcl-2 and DNA ploidy) were evaluated
with an image analysis system (CAS 200/486). In 105 mixed invasive cancers
with size less than or equal to 1 cm, a separate analysis of in situ (ISCm)
and invasive component (ICm) was obtained. A clinical study of 836 invasiv
e breast cancers Teas performed.
RESULTS: Different biophenotypes were obtained: among ISCs, cribriform type
exhibited biologic behavior similar to that of normal breast tissue (ER+,
PR+, proliferation index [PI] low, NEU-, p53-, bcl-2+) the opposite profile
was displayed by comedo type, and intermediate phenotypes were observed in
noncomedo and lobular types. Comparing ISC and ISCm, PI and p53 expression
had the highest levels in ISCm with respect to other groups. NEU overexpre
ssion exhibited a decreasing value from ICm to IC. Younger women (less than
or equal to 40 years) with IC demonstrated a worse biologic profile (high
PI, p53+, ER- and size >2 cm). In multivariate analysis, PI and NEU in node
-negative patients, and NEU, PR and size in node-positive ones emerged as p
rognostic parameters.
CONCLUSION: The results underline the importance of the quantitative biolog
ic profile for defining tumor behavior and patient management.