Despite the unquestionable efficacy of carbon dioxide laser skin resurfacin
g, mechanisms for cosmetic enhancement remain poorly characterized. Histolo
gical studies have provided some insight into the cascade of events from in
itial laser impact to final skin rejuvenation. However, there are few compr
ehensive studies of gross and microscopic wound healing. Additionally, the
literature is fragmented; excellent individual articles appear in journals
from widely disparate disciplines. For example, some reports relevant to la
ser skin resurfacing are "sequestered" in the engineering literature. This
article is intended to update the physician on laser skin resurfacing based
on the broadest review of the current literature. It proceeds from a discu
ssion of initial laser-tissue interactions, such as collagen denaturation,
to examination of longterm biological sequlae. At some cost tp scientific r
igor, mathematical models describing laser-tissue interactions are not pres