Background: Coagulation abnormalities following crotaline (pit viper) snake
bite have traditionally been considered short-lived, but laboratory studies
have rarely been reported beyond the first few days of treatment for enven
omation. During the course of an antivenom clinical trial, we observed coag
ulation defects as late as 2 weeks following envenomation.
Objectives: To document and characterize the recurrence or persistence of c
oagulopathy among patients envenomed by pit vipers and treated with a Fab a
Methods: Patients with moderate Pit viper envenomation were enrolled in a m
ulticenter, prospective clinical trial. A Fab-based antivenom preparation,
antivenom polyvalent crotalid (ovine) Fab, was administered in all cases. P
latelet count, fibrinogen level, presence of fibrin split products, prothro
mbin time, and partial thromboplastin time were determined before treatment
and at standard intervals during the following 2 weeks.
Results: Of 38 patients completing the study, 20 (53%) had recurrent, persi
stent, or late coagulopathy 2 to 14 days after envenomation. Thrombocytopen
ia occurred in patients with prior thrombocytopenia; hypofibrinogenemia occ
urred only in those with prior hypofibrinogenemia or positive fibrin split
products. No patient experienced significant spontaneous bleeding. One pati
ent with coagulopathy developed minor bleeding following minor surgery 12 d
ays after envenomation.
Conclusions: Prolonged or recurrent coagulopathy may occur after envenomati
on by North American pit vipers. Patients treated with Fab-based antivenom
may benefit from periodic rather than single-bolus dosing. Patients with co
agulopathy should undergo close monitoring during the first 2 weeks after s