In this study, a computer-based method called finite-element analysis is us
ed to predict the forced-frequency response of the ear, with and without an
ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP 0362, Xomed Surgical Products). The
method allows visualisation of the dynamical behaviour of the tympanic mem
brane (TM) and of the ossicles. The finite-element model is fully three-dim
ensional and includes both ligaments and muscles, and accounts for damping
caused by the TM, ligaments, incudostapedial joint and the fluids of the in
ner ear. For validation, comparison is made with experimental measurements
of umbo displacement taken from the literature. The translation and rotatio
n (both anterior-posterior and inferior-superior) of the stapedial footplat
e are investigated. It is predicted that the translatory motion of the foot
plate decreases with increasing frequency, except when the frequency bf the
acoustic signal matches the natura I frequencies of the ossicular chain or
outer ear canal. The tilting motion of the stapedial footplate is also pre
dicted to depend on frequency of excitation. The presence of a prosthesis c
hanges the dynamical response considerably by shifting the natural frequenc
ies of the ossicular chain. Ratios of stapes motion with and without the pr
ostheses are plotted as a function of frequency allowing this effect to be
clearly observed.