The data acquisition system described here is designed for biomedical resea
rch and permits the recording of up to eight biological signals simultaneou
sly. A personal computer using the Windows 95 operating system is employed
for data monitoring, data processing and analysis during experiments. The s
ystem has been designed for reliability, economy, flexibility and ease of h
andling, with the aim of achieving universal application.
To avoid interface incompatibility, problems with transfer protocols and th
e data formats of commercially available products, analog signals are used
for further processing. The individual input channels are electrically isol
ated from one another and the PC to avoid ground loops, and for reasons of
safety. An isolated voltage supply is available for pre-amplifiers and brid
ges. A bandwidth of 0-5 kHz and the maximum sampling rate of 12.5 kHz suffi
ce to pick up higher frequency signals such as EMG and ENG.
The modular software and hardware concepts permit the use of almost any des
ktop or laptop PC as a central processing unit. The PC handles documentatio
n, data acquisition, data analysis and the preparation of publications. If
needed, further analytical functions can be added in modular form. Finally,
the option of saving data in the ASCII format permits processing of result
s with such standard software packages as Excel, Access, Matlab and Origin.