The probability of achieving a sustainable tropical logging operation is in
creased if the growth of surviving trees is maximized after logging. This r
esearch examined the growth ecology of seedlings and trees of the Neotropic
al timber species, Carapa nicaraguensis (Meliaceae). Shadehouse experiments
, field plantings, and growth rare analyses tested the hypothesis that Cara
pa seedlings and trees experience higher growth rates in high light levels
(recently formed logging gaps or logged forest plots) than in low light lev
els (old logging gaps or undisturbed forest plots). Consistently poor seedl
ing growth rates under lour light conditions suggest that seedlings establi
shing in newly formed gaps will be more successful than those establishing
in building-phase gaps. Thus, the first year after logging is a critical ti
me for gap recolonization by Carapa and seed casting into gaps after loggin
g is recommended. Growth of Carapa trees was significantly faster in logged
forest than in undisturbed forest, and was positively associated with ligh
t availability. The results provide evidence chat harvest models can be bot
h diameter- and illumination-based Crown illumination was nor significantly
higher in logged forest than in undisturbed forest, indicating that the il
lumination scale for this study was not sensitive enough to detect increase
s in light availability brought about by selective logging. Potential silvi
cultural methods (particularly poison-girdling) that maintain adequate fore
st light levels in Carapa swamps without significantly altering long-term t
ree diversity or allowing invasion of secondary species should be explored.