General practice and its associated primary care services are the final com
mon pathway for the delivery of most screening programmes. The absence of n
ationally agreed priorities, guidelines and identifiable resources has mean
t that screening in primary care remains somewhat arbitrary, practice varie
s widely and programmes remain largely unevaluated. Discussion of screening
has focused largely on test characteristics and performance with less atte
ntion being given to issues of policy formation, priority setting, implemen
tation and quality assurance. Without these elements, quality and test perf
ormance deteriorate, recruitment and follow-up are incomplete and a poorly
discriminating test of doubtful utility is applied inequitably and ineffici
For general practice there are two major concerns. The first is to improve
delivery of programmes of proven efficacy, such as breast or cervical scree
ning, that already have a national framework. The second is to develop and
provide a national structure for preventive programmes for cardiovascular a
nd smoking-related disease. For cardiovascular disease, the issue is no lon
ger whether to screen and advise whole populations for multiple risk factor
s, but how best to implement this programme. In this chapter, the case for
screening for cardiovascular disease is reviewed and potential strategies f
or improving delivery of screening in general practice and primary care dis