During a 6-year period, 31 patients with Hodgkin disease (HD) rt ere analyz
ed for chromosome aberrations on lymphoid tissue. We obtained metaphases in
87% (27/31). The number of cells analyzed per case ranged from 17 to 31 (m
edian 25), and the number of abnormal mitoses was between 1 and 17 (median
6). Chromosome aberrations were found in 59% (16/27). Numerical aberrations
involved all chromosomes. The most frequently gained chromosomes were numb
ers 2 and 9, and the most frequently lost were numbers 10, 16, 21, 22, and
X. Chromosomes most frequently involved in structural aberrations rr ere nu
mbers 1 and 6. The most frequent subgroups rr ere nodular sclerosis (NS) (n
= 16) and mixed cellularity (MC) (n = 10). Six NS patients and 8 patients
with MC showed an abnormal clone. For the NS patients with an abnormal kary
otype, 4 of 6 had a gain of chromosome a, and all had structural aberration
s of chromosome I. Of the 6 MC patients, rr here a partial analysis was pos
sible, 4 had a gain of chromosome 4, 2 had structural aberrations involving
chromosome 6 and 2 of chromosome 14. In 2 case a translocation normally as
sociated with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) was found (t[11;14]), whereas othe
r translocations characteristic of NHL, such as t(8;14), t(14;18), and t(2;
5) were not observed. A review of the literature on cytogenetic investigati
ons in PID performed on lymphoid tissue short ed that the most frequently g
ained or lost chromosomes rr ere 1, 2, 5, 9, and 12 for NS and 2, 5, and 9
for MC. The most frequently affected chromosomes in structural aberrations
were 1 and 6 for NS, and 2, 7, and 14 for MC. Involvement of chromosome 1,
6, and 14 in structural aberrations is characteristic of lymphoid neoplasms
, as are the most frequently involved bands (1p36, 6q21-q26, 14q11, and 14q
32), further supporting a B- or T-cell origin of the neoplastic cell in HD.
The high hyperploidy seen in HD is not a frequent observation in NHL. Alth
ough certain chromosome aberrations seem to be characteristic of HD as oppo
sed to NHL, specific nonrandom aberrations have yet to be identified. The r
ather low number of abnormal mitoses found in most HD cases underlies the i
mportance of analyzing a large number of metaphases. (C) Elsevier Science I
nc., 1999. All rights reserved.