Objective: In this study, researchers evaluated the otologic and audiologic
status of 112 children with repaired cleft lip and palate who had received
primary palatal repair by means of Frolova palatoplasty, a surgical techni
que developed by Dr. Larisa Y, Frolova, founder and director of the Nationa
l Pediatric Center for Congenital Maxillofacial Pathology, Moscow, Russia.
Design: Results of hearing thresholds and tympanograms for these Russian ch
ildren were compared with data previously reported from a group of 48 child
ren and adults with repaired cleft lip and palate at the University of Flor
ida Craniofacial Center, Gainesville, Florida.
Results: There were no substantial differences in hearing thresholds betwee
n the two groups, which was surprising in view of the vast differences betw
een middle ear management techniques used in Russia and the United States.
Conclusions: Considering these findings and the growing body of literature
favoring a more conservative approach to the management of middle ear effus
ion in infants with cleft lip and palate, a reexamination of otologic strat
egies in the United States seems advisable.