Systemic lupus erythematosus survival has improved worldwide. The authors p
resent the first Hungarian survival results, analysing retrospectively data
on 532 lupus patients who were followed at a single centre over the past 2
5 years.
Survival of SLE patients has improved in Hungary as indicated by the result
s of life-table analysis, and the increase in both the five- and ten-year s
urvival rates. The outcome was less favourable for males and for patients u
nder 20 and over 50 years of age at the time of diagnosis. The mortality ra
tio decreased with disease duration, and the risk of death due to SLE was t
he highest within the first five years of the disease. The majority of youn
g lupus patients were lost within this period. The mean cause of death was
renal insufficiency in the younger patient population and in the early phas
e of the disease. Heart failure and a naturally increasing mortality rate m
ust be taken into consideration in the patient group over 50 years of age.
The prognostic importance of clinical and laboratory symptoms of SLE was de
termined by the calculation of relative risks. Skin eruptions positively in
fluenced the outcome, while valvular heart disease, interstitial lung disea
se and haematological manifestations had a negative impact on survival Surp
risingly, renal and central nervous system involvement did not significantl
y influence survival. The number of patients who were lost to regular follo
w-up diminished.
The present study indicates an improvement in lupus survival in Hungary. Su
rvival is affected by age and gender differences and may also be influenced
by the race and ethnic origin of the patients. Regular follow-up is an imp
ortant factor in lupus survival.