Background New criteria for diagnosing ischemic response to treadmill exerc
ise testing (TET) have continuously been proposed. Simultaneous comparison
of test performances according to these criteria is likely contributory to
interpreting TET and needs to be updated time after time, This study was co
nducted to accomplish this end,
Methods A comparison of test performances of various TET variables for a co
hort of 107 clinical normals and 139 angiographic patients with normal rest
ing electrocardiograms was performed. Angiographic references included enum
eration of diseased coronary vessels, Gensini's and Duke's coronary scores,
left ventricular wail motion score and ejection fraction at rest
Results The ST-segment-related variables (depression, integral, and heart-r
ate-adjusted slope or index) outdid non-ST-segment variables (changes in R
amplitude, the Athens QRS score, peak exercise blood pressure increment and
recovery pressure ratios; most P <0.05) in diagnosing coronary artery dise
ase. Among them the heart-rate-adjusted ST-segment depression performed sti
ll better, This trend was not evident in identifying left main and three-ve
ssel disease, However, correlation to the coronary scores favored the ST-se
gment-related criteria (r = 0.18-0.39, P<0.05 to P<0.001 versus r = 0.05-0.
23, NS to P< 0.01) for evaluating severity of coronary artery disease.
Conclusions For patients with normal resting electrocardiograms, the adjust
ment of ST-segment depression for heart rate is valuable for evaluating cor
onary artery disease. Coronary Artery Dis 10:15-22 (C) 1999 Lippincott Will
iams & Wilkins.