Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a major independent risk factor for coronary ar
tery disease. Atherosclerosis accounts for about 80% of all deaths from typ
e 2 diabetes, of which roughly 75% ate attributable to coronary artery dise
ase and the remainder to cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular events [1],
The earlier onset and accelerated course of atherosclerosis in individuals
with type 2 diabetes mellitus is multifactorial. Type 2 diabetes is associ
ated with abnormalities in lipoprotein metabolism and increased propensity
for oxidative damage. The hyperglycemia of patients with type 2 diabetes, i
n itself, may accelerate vascular damage. Type 2 diabetes is a hypercoagula
ble state attributable to enhanced coagulation and decreased fibrinolysis,
as well as platelet hyperaggregability and endothelial dysfunction, Hyperte
nsion is common in individuals with type 2 diabetes and has a major impact
in the accelerated atherosclerosis of this disease. This review provides an
overview of selected aspects of these alterations. Coronary Artery Dis 10:
23-30 (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.