Serum reticulin, endomysial and gliadin antibody tests are used in serologi
cal screening and case finding of coeliac disease, as well as the novel tis
sue transglutaminase antibody test. None of these tests are 100% predictive
, however. Reticulin/endomysial antibodies predict forthcoming coeliac dise
ase in individuals with normal small-bowel mucosal morphology. The effect o
f a gluten-free diet can be monitored with serological tests. A positive te
st result often indicates an inadequate gluten-free diet. However, slight d
ietary transgressions and minor mucosal damages cannot always be revealed w
ith the serological tests. Therefore, small-bowel mucosal biopsy remains th
e most sensitive method to monitor the effect of a gluten-free diet.