PURPOSE: We report the results of converting 42 failed ileal pouch-anal ana
stomoses to a continent ileostomy (using the Barnett modification of the Ko
ck pouch) performed in the course of 1,334 consecutive continent ostomy pro
cedures. METHOD: Results were obtained from a data registry that tracks lon
g-term outcomes of consecutive continent ostomy procedures performed by 12
surgeons in five centers in the United States. RESULTS: Forty of the 42 pat
ients with failed ileal pouch-anal anastomoses have a functioning continent
ostomy. Two patients have had pouch excision. Quality of life for the pati
ents with ileal pouch-anal anastomoses as measured by the SF-36 index impro
ved postoperatively. Long-term outcomes for the patients with ileal pouch-a
nal anastomoses were similar to those for the larger population of patients
who underwent the continent ostomy procedure for other reasons. CONCLUSION
: Conversion of a failed ileal pouch-anal anastomosis to a continent ileost
omy; is a satisfactory alternative to the Brooke ileostomy in appropriate c