Expansions of trinucleotide CAG repeats have been demonstrated in at least
eight neurodegenerative disorders, and suggested to occur in several others
, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Chromosome 18 loci have bee
n implicated in bipolar disorder pedigrees by linkage analysis. To address
this putative link between chromosome 18 CAG trinucleotide repeats and neur
opsychiatric illness, we have screened a chromosome 18 cosmid Library (LL18
NCO2" AD") and identified 14 novel candidate loci. Characterisation of thes
e loci involved repeat Bank sequencing, estimation of polymorphism Frequenc
y and mapping using FISH as well as radiation hybrid panels. These mapped t
rinucleotide loci will be useful in the investigation of chromosome 18 in n
eurodegenerative or psychiatric conditions, and will serve to integrate phy
sical and radiation hybrid maps of chromosome 18.