The sentinel lymph-node procedure enables selective targeting of the first
draining lymph node, where the initial metastases will form. A negative sen
tinel node (SN) predicts the absence of tumour metastases in the other regi
onal lymph nodes with high accuracy. This means that in the case of a negat
ive SN, regional lymph-node dissection is no longer necessary, Besides savi
ng costs, this will prevent many side-effects as a result of lymph-node dis
section. The task of the pathologist is to screen SNs for metastases. To th
is end, several techniques are available such as standard histo- and cytopa
thological techniques, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, and molecular
biological techniques. These methods are explained and their sensitivity fo
r detecting SN metastases is discussed. Some of these techniques also appea
r to be useful for intra-operative evaluation of SNs. The standard protocol
for detection of SN metastases consists of extensive histopathological inv
estigation including step H&E stained sections and immunohistochemistry. In
tra-operative frozen-section analysis of SNs has been shown to be reliable
for breast-cancer axillary lymph nodes. In the intra-operative setting, imp
rint cytology can also be used but its additional value to frozen section a
nalysis is not yet clear. Further studies are necessary to establish the ro
le of sophisticated molecular biological techniques such as reverse transcr
iption polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in detecting SN metastases. The s
ensitivity of flow cytometry is too low for this purpose.