An elongate, arcuate structure consisting of a fault-like displacement surf
ace, previously regarded as a reverse fault, and parallel synclines within
the Late Cretaceous-Eocene La Popa basin of northeastern Mexico are herein
reinterpreted as a salt weld and its flanking withdrawal synclines, The str
ucture resulted from hanging-wall subsidence during evacuation of salt alon
g a formerly diapiric salt wall. The La Popa weld has an exposed length of
similar to 25 km and superficially resembles a growth fault. The displaceme
nt surface is convex to the southwest and dips south to southwest. Stratigr
aphic displacement at the surface is zero at either end and increases to si
milar to 5 km halfway along the trace of the structure. The La Popa structu
re had a two-phase history: (1) a diapiric phase marked by rise of an elong
ate salt wall flanked by parallel withdrawal synclines and (2) a subsequent
evacuation phase recorded by hanging-wall subsidence and stratigraphic wel
ding of footwall and hanging wall as salt evacuated from the former diapir,
During diapirism, thick siliciclastic strata accumulated in the salt-withd
rawal synclines that formed by downbuilding adjacent to the rising salt wal
l. Siliciclastic units thinned toward the salt wall, near which they were u
pturned and developed numerous angular unconformities. Thick biohermal carb
onate lentils accumulated episodically on topographic highs associated with
the rising salt wall. Evacuation of the salt wall caused lateral migration
of the hanging-wall synclinal hinge and a consequent shift of thickest syn
kinematic strata toward the developing weld. This is the first exposed exam
ple of a secondary salt weld described as such in the literature.