When buyers provide incentives for suppliers to deliver just-in-time, suppl
iers can respond by choosing to hold additional inventory, reducing the var
iance of flow time to facilitate just-in-time production, or both. A model
characterizing the supplier's optimal response to incentives for JIT delive
ry is presented. The model shows a situation where the optimal action of th
e supplier is to hold more inventory. When incentives for on-time delivery
are increased, the supplier responds by decreasing the variance of flow tim
e and by increasing the lead time allowance. However, the lead time allowan
ce increases more quickly than the variance is reduced, resulting. in a net
increase in the amount of inventory that must be held by the supplier. The
result is that inventory is pushed upstream. This paper does not suggest t
hat inventory is always pushed upstream in JIT purchasing. Rather, it provi
des a counter-example to those who presume that holding more inventory is a
lways a non-optimal response to buyer's requests for JIT delivery.