The modern mixed model approach is used to evaluate three current nonlinear
models of development of human stature. By combining both fixed and random
effects in the same model, the mixed approach incorporates variability bet
ween subjects in the estimation of the mean parameter values. This allows u
s to provide a single statistical test for the differences between each pai
r of statistical models. Asymptotic growth models from Preece and Baines (1
978), Jolicoeur et al. (1988, 1991,1992), and Kanefuji and Shohoji (1990) w
ere applied to height data collected from 28 males and 25 females. The NLIN
MIX Macro from SAS was used to evaluate the fit of each model allowing for
two random components in addition to the fixed mean parameter values. In ev
ery case, the addition of random parameters improved the fit of each growth
model. Models were evaluated by the calculation of the Akaike Information
Criterion, differences in -2 log likelihood, and determination of the resid
ual variance. For males, the Jolicoeur et al. model was superior, while for
females, the Kanefuji and Shohoji model provided the best fit. This new ap
proach is more parsimonious than previous techniques by allowing for indivi
dual variation in the estimation of model parameters in a population averag
e model of growth.