Previous studies on post-operative pain, nausea and vomiting tend to be qua
ntitative in method and focus on in-patient or day case surgery. The object
ives of this study carried out in one specialist eye hospital in England we
re to consider post-operative pain, nausea and vomiting from a qualitative
perspective, Fifty-five patients undergoing general anaesthetic short-stay
ophthalmic surgery (orbital hydroxyapatite implantation) consented to parti
cipate in telephone interviews 8 days post-surgery. The interviews lasted b
etween 20 and 60 minutes, Data were analysed thematically and offer insight
into varying experiences of pain, nausea and vomiting in hospital, on disc
harge and at home. Results indicate that not all patients were discharged h
ome in optimum condition. The needs of post-operative short-stay patients s
hould come before financial imperatives to vacate beds. Patient education a
nd information giving is discussed in the light of the findings.