The deuterium retention property of B4C converted graphite and isotropic gr
aphite exposed to DIII-D deuterium plasma was examined by using a technique
of thermal desorption spectroscopy. Major outgassing species were HD, D-2
and CD4 in both the graphite and the B4C. In the case of the graphite, the
ratios of deuterium desorbed in the forms of HD, D-2 and CD4 to the total d
esorption amount of deuterium were 40%, 27% and 33%, respectively. In the c
ase of the B4C, which was covered by carbon due to redeposition, these rati
os were similar to those of the graphite. In a thermal desorption spectrum
of deuterium, three desorption peaks appeared in both the graphite and the
B4C covered by the redeposition layer. At low temperature region, the desor
ption rate of deuterium for the B4C covered by the redeposition layer was l
arger than that of the graphite. From two dimensional distribution of deute
rium retention, it was seen that the retained amount at the electron drift
side was quite large. The amount at the ion drift side and the edge of inwa
rd major radius was also observed to be large. The average retained amount
of the graphite was almost the same as that of the B4C covered by the redep
osition layer. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.