Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) are one of the most commonly us
ed classes of medications worldwide. It is estimated that more than 30 mill
ion people take NSAID daily. Gastrointestinal (GI) complications related to
NSAID therapy are the most prevalent category of adverse drug reactions. P
atients with arthritis are among the most frequent users of NSAID and are t
herefore particularly at risk for these side effects. To evaluate the natur
e of NSAID-related GI complications and to determine how their frequency ca
n be reduced, a series of studies of such complications in patients with rh
eumatic disease have been carried out based on data from the Arthritis, Rhe
umatism, and Aging Medical Information System (ARAMIS). This report briefly
reviews the literature and presents recent findings from the ARAMIS studie
s, which provide an update on published information. It addresses whether C
I side effects such as dyspepsia can serve as warning symptoms for life-thr
eatening GI complications and describes the risk factors for these events.
It also summarizes a study that investigated whether H-2-receptor antagonis
ts and antacids affect the development of serious GI complications. In addi
tion, ongoing research and topics to be addressed in future studies are des