The role of Hoxa-13 in postnatal morphogenesis of the male accessory sex or
gans was assessed by correlating the Hoxa-13 expression domain with phenoty
pic abnormalities in heterozygous Hypodactyly mutants. Hypodactyly is a nat
urally occurring semi-dominant mutation that results from a 50-base pair de
letion in exon one of the Hoxa-13 allele. We demonstrate that Hoxa-13 is br
oadly expressed in the developing lower genitourinary tract and that the Hy
podactyly mutation results in a specific phenotype characterized by decreas
ed size and branching of the dorsolateral and ventral prostate and abnormal
seminal vesicle morphology. This phenotype partially overlaps the genitour
inary phenotype observed in Hoxd-13 deficient mice and comparison showed si
milar domains of Hoxa-13 and Hoxd-13 expression in the lower genitourinary
tract. The similarity in expression and overlap in phenotype resulting from
mutation is consistent with additive function and partial functional redun
dancy of Hoxa-13 and Hoxd-13 in male accessory sex organ development.