The aims of this study were to identify risk factors for hip fracture in me
n aged 50 years or more. We identified 730 men with hip fracture from 14 ce
nters from Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey during the cou
rse of a prospective study of hip fracture incidence and 1132 age-stratifie
d controls selected from the neighborhood or population registers. The ques
tionnaire examined aspects of work, physical activity past and present, dis
eases and drugs, height, weight, indices of co-morbidity and consumption of
tobacco, alcohol, calcium, coffee and tea. Significant risk factors identi
fied by univariate analysis included low body mass index (BMI), low sunligh
t exposure, a low degree of recreational physical activity, low consumption
of milk and cheese, and a poor mental score. Co-morbidity including sleep
disturbances, loss of weight, impaired mental status and poor appetite were
also significant risk factors. Previous stroke with hemiplegia, prior frag
ility fractures, senile dementia, alcoholism and,gastrectomy were associate
d with significant risk, whereas osteoarthrosis, nephrolithiasis and myocar
dial infarction were associated with lower risks. Taking medications was no
t associated with a difference in risk apart from a protective effect with
the use of analgesics independent of co-existing osteoarthrosis and an incr
eased risk with the use of antiepileptic agents. Of the potentially 'revers
ible' risk factors, BMI, leisure exercise, exposure to sunlight and consump
tion of tea and alcohol and tobacco remained independent risk factors after
multivariate analysis, accounting for 54% of hip fractures. Excluding BMI,
46% of fractures could be explained on the basis of the risk factors sough
t. Of the remaining factors low exposure to sunlight and decreased physical
activity accounted for the highest attributable risks (14% and 9% respecti
vely). The use of risk factors to predict hip fractures had relatively low
sensitivity and specificity (59.6% and 61.0% respectively). We conclude tha
t lifestyle factors are associated with significant differences in the risk
of hip fracture. Potentially remediable factors including a low degree of
physical exercise and a low BMI account for a large component of the total