An improved understanding of strongly driven laser-plasma coupling is impor
tant for optimal use of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) for both inert
ial fusion and for a variety of advanced applications. Such applications ra
nge from high-energy x-ray sources and high-temperature hohlraums to fast i
gnition and laser radiography. We discuss a novel model for the scaling of
strongly driven stimulated Brillouin and Raman scattering. This model postu
lates an intensity-dependent correlation length associated with spatial inc
oherence due to filamentation and stimulated forward scattering. We first d
escribe the model and then relate it to a variety of experiments. Particula
r attention is paid to high-temperature hohlraum experiments, which exhibit
low to modest stimulated Brillouin scattering even though this instability
is strongly driven. We also briefly discuss the strongly nonlinear interac
tion physics for efficient generation of high-energy electrons either by ir
radiating a large plasma with near quarter-critical density or by irradiati
ng overdense targets with ultra-intense laser light.