Cosmic ray and gamma-ray astrophysics provides an arena where concepts draw
n from many branches of plasma physics can assist in answering questions of
fundamental-indeed cosmological-significance. In recent years, striking ad
vances have been made in the quality and resolution of the data available i
n this field. The present generation of cosmic ray detection arrays and spa
ce-based x-ray and gamma-ray observatories, coupled to measurements in othe
r wavebands, are yielding information which invites detailed quantitative i
nterpretation in terms of plasma processes. In parallel with these developm
ents, a systematic picture of the behaviour of energetic particle populatio
ns in magnetically confined plasmas has emerged from the deuterium-tritium
experimental campaigns on JET and TFTR, and the acceleration of electrons t
o highly relativistic energies has been demonstrated in laser-plasma intera
ction experiments. This review is written primarily to assist the deploymen
t in energetic particle astrophysics of methodologies used for studying hig
h-temperature fusion plasmas: three topics are examined. What are the major
plasma-oriented questions in energetic particle astrophysics? What solutio
ns have been proposed? How can plasma physics assist in deepening, strength
ening and extending current understanding?