Let A be a TAF-algebra, Z(A) the centre of A, Id(A) the ideal lattice of A,
and Mir(A) the space of meet-irreducible elements of Id(A), equipped with
the hull-kernel topology. It is shown that Mir(A) is a compact, locally com
pact, second countable, T-0-space, that Id(A) is an algebraic lattice isomo
rphic to the lattice of open subsets of Mir(A), and that Z(A) is isomorphic
to the algebra of continuous, complex functions on Mir(A). If A is semisim
ple, then Z(A) is isomorphic to the algebra of continuous, complex function
s on Prim(A), the primitive ideal space of A. If A is strongly maximal, the
n the sum of two closed ideals of A is closed.