This study explicates postformal "relational and contextual reasoning" (RCR
), which serves in particular to link competing theories A, B, (C,...) for
constructing an overarching "theory" or synopsis, and its five developmenta
l levels. Following an analysis of two pilot studies. individual interviews
with 32 participants (aged 13 to 68 years; 17m., 15 f.) of approximately I
1/2 h. each about nine task!, are described. A structural analysis of the
interview transcripts yielded two main results: Certain postulated partial
operations of RCR and the posited "intra-inter-trans" developmental logic o
f the fi ve developmental levels are supported empirically. The research de
sign, the method used and the results are presented, and possible applicati
ons, primarily in the classroom, are pointed out.