Dyshidrosis, or pompholyx, is a topographical form of eczema. This bilatera
l palmo-plantar vesicular rash is often disabling and compromises the subje
ct's working capacity. In the context of a medical examination, the authors
indicate the various clinical forms of this dermatosis, as well as the mai
n aetiologies to be considered: contact dyshidrosis, systemic contact dyshi
drosis, atopic dyshidrosis, dyshidrosis due to fungal or microbial allergy.
These factors are not mutually exclusive and can be revealed by psychologi
cal or toxic factors such as smoking. The authors briefly recall the types
of investigation useful for diagnosis as well as the prophylactic measures
related to working conditions, protection against irritant and allergenic s
ubstances and elimination of allergens, starting with contact then food all
ergens in the case of positive oral provocation tests.