The availability of a national database that allows for analyses of the dem
ographic characteristics and the professional practices of school psycholog
ists is essential to both individuals and organizations in their efforts to
represent and to advance the field. In response to this need, a survey was
mailed to 20% of all Regular members of the National Association of School
Psychologists randomly selected by state. The survey asked for responses t
o 31 items relating to a range of demographic characteristics (e.g., age, g
ender, ethnicity, salary, highest degree earned, credentialing), employment
settings (e.g., urban/suburban/rural, ratio of students to school psycholo
gists, funding source), and professional practices (e.g., frequency and/or
numbers of students served through different service functions). Responses
from 1,922 school psychologists were analyzed. The results of those analyse
s are presented and the implications for the field are discussed.