Background/Objective: Few studies have attempted to validate the ''lac
unar hypothesis.'' The accuracy of identifying lacunar and other nonla
cunar mechanisms of infarction will be increasingly important in evalu
ating potential stroke treatments. The aim of this study was to determ
ine the value of lacunar syndromes in predicting radiologic lacunes an
d the value of clinicoradiologic lacunes in predicting ''lacunar infar
ction'' as final stroke mechanism. Methods: From 1990 to 1994, 591 pat
ients with cerebral infarction, who were from northern Manhattan and o
ver the age of 39, were prospectively examined. Data were collected on
the admitting clinical syndrome (lacunar or nonlacunar) and brain ima
ging findings. Lacunar syndromes were categorized as pure motor hemipa
resis (PMH), pure sensory syndrome (PSS), sensorimotor syndrome (SMS),
ataxic-hemiparesis (A-H), and other lacunar syndromes. Brain imaging
findings were classified as radiologic lacune or nonlacune. Positive p
redictive values, sensitivities, and specificities of lacunar syndrome
s for identifying radiologic lacunes were calculated. The final mechan
ism of infarction was determined after review of all the diagnostic te
sts and compared among the lacunar groups. Results: Lacunar syndromes
occurred in 225 cases. PMH was the most common lacunar syndrome, accou
nting for 45%, SMS 20%, A-Pi 18%, and PSS 7%. Lacunar syndromes had an
overall positive predictive value (PPV) of 87% for detecting radiolog
ic lacune: PSS 100%, A-H 95%, SMS 87%, and PMH 79%. Among the 195 pati
ents who presented with a lacunar syndrome and had this condition conf
irmed radiologically, 147 were classified as having a final diagnosis
of lacunar mechanism of infarction (PPV = 75%). Atherosclerosis accoun
ted for 17 (9%), cardioembolism 10 (5%), cryptogenic 17 (9%), and othe
r unusual causes 4 (2%). Conclusion: While lacunar syndromes, especial
ly PSS and A-H, are highly predictive of lacune, in about one in four
patients presenting with lacunar syndromes confirmed radiologically th
e condition is associated with nonlacunar mechanisms of infarction. No
ninvasive neurovascular and cardiac evaluations are still warranted ev
en among patients with lacunes.