Excipients are used to prepare dosage forms in order to facilitate the admi
nistration and the efficacy of drugs through better handling of the manufac
turing process and an increase in the stability of the dosage forms as well
. They are produced, as for drugs, by lots and although they correspond to
official Pharmacopoeian monographs, they may vary from batch to batch. This
can alter the physico-chemical properties as well as their functionalities
. Even for classical and non-critical tableting excipients, tablets prepare
d with the same excipient (microcrystalline cellulose) but originating from
several suppliers may display very dramatic differences: the main differen
ce concerns the in vitro, dissolution rate which can consequently affect th
e bioavailability. Switching from one excipient to another is still possibl
e but the similarity in behaviour of the dosage form must be demonstrated b
y relevant tests including functionality tests.