The true incidence of adverse drug events is controversial and there are fe
w data concerning the percentage of potentially preventable adverse drug ev
ents. Over 2 months, in two internal medicine units, we asked the staff to
report adverse drug events. All incidents were evaluated: adverse drug even
ts (preventable and nonpreventable) and potential adverse drug events (non-
intercepted potential adverse drug events and intercepted potential adverse
drug events). The severity, the stage in the process at which the error oc
curred and the type of error were evaluated by a physician reviewer. Over t
he 240 admissions, the incidence of adverse drug events is 18 per 1000 pati
ent-days. The system design caused 77 per cent of the incidents. The medica
tion errors occurred at all stages from ordering to administration. Adverse
drug events resulting in medication errors (n = 22) were more serious than
non-preventable adverse drug events (n = 26)(p = 0.003). A prevention stra
tegy by pharmacovigilance centres (Centres Regionaux de Pharmacovigilance)
should target all stages of the drug delivery process.