The surface characteristics of treated waste newsprint fibers were investig
ated using inverse gas chromatography (IGC). The surfaces of waste newsprin
t fibers were modified with gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, dichlorodieth
ylsilane (DCS), phthalic anhydride (PA)I and maleated polypropylene. The ef
fectiveness of these surface treatments was monitored by the IGC adsorption
curves using n-alkanes and acid-bar probes. The empirical acid (K-A) and b
ase (K-D) characteristics (i.e,, electron donor/acceptor abilities) of untr
eated and treated newsprint fibers Here determined using Schultz's method a
nd were correlated with the surface chemical compositions determined from X
-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
. The results indicated that the surface of untreated newsprint fibers had
an acidic characteristic due to the electron acceptor character of the hydr
oxyl protons. The newsprint fibers reacted with phthalic anhydride or malea
ted polypropylene also exhibited an acidic surface behavior attributed to p
endent carboxylic groups. Dichlorodiethylsilane produced a strong acidic su
rface attributed to the highly electronegative nature of the chlorine atoms
of dichlorodiethylsilane. However, when the fibers were reacted with gamma
-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, the basic characteristic (electron donor abili
ty) of the fiber surface wets increased, presumably by the presence of atta
ched amino groups.