A large-scale field mapping at Rushikonda along Visakhapatnam coast, has re
vealed several low-relief relict geomorphic features such as river terraces
, marine (wave-cut) terraces, sandy beach ridges and red sand mounds. Furth
er, trenching in the upper river terrace has brought to light several sedim
entary horizons including a prominent boulder-pebble layer which contains i
n situ pebble tools of Lower Palaeolithic age. Based on the relative horizo
ntal as well as vertical positions of the landforms, besides archaeological
evidences and keeping in view of the wide-spread distribution of the dated
Pleistocene terraces in different parts of the world, the marine terraces
along Visakhapatnam coast are inferred to represent a + 7 m sea level durin
g the Last Interglacial.