Obtaining an electron-density map from X-ray diffraction data can be diffic
ult and time-consuming even after the data have been collected, largely bec
ause MIR and MAD structure determinations currently require many subjective
evaluations of the qualities of trial heavy-atom partial structures before
a correct heavy-atom solution is obtained. A set of criteria for evaluatin
g the quality of heavy-atom partial solutions in macromolecular crystallogr
aphy have been developed. These have allowed the conversion of the crystal
structure-solution process into an optimization problem and have allowed it
s automation. The SOLVE software has been used to solve MAD data sets with
as many as 52 selenium sites in the asymmetric unit. The automated structur
e-solution process developed is a major step towards the fully automated st
ructure-determination, model-building and procedure which is needed for gen
omic scale determinations.