We examined the function of floral traits associated with buzz pollination
through studies of Rhexia virginica (Melastomataceae) in the Muskoka region
of Ontario, Canada. Controlled pollinations demonstrated that the species
is self-compatible. but dependent on insects for pollen transfer Bumble bee
s made 82 and 90% of observed insect visits to R. virginica in 1996 and 199
7, respectively, and effectively buzzed flowers. Buzz pollination did not a
ppear to be highly "specialized" since various species of bumble bee were c
apable of pollination, and pollen transfer efficiency appeared to be relati
vely low. Experimental manipulations provided little support for the hypoth
esis that the yellow color of melastome anthers mimics abundant pollen, the
reby deceiving pollinators to visit regardless of whether most pollen has b
een removed. Fruit set averaged 52.6% among populations, owing largely to i
nfrequent pollinator visits and pollen limitation. Flowers of R. virginica
were infertile after a single day of anthesis, but petals were subsequently
maintained for 1-2 d and stamens underwent a color change from bright yell
ow to red. Second-day flowers may function to increase floral display size
and hence fertility, without a concomitant increase in pollen discounting.
Studies of bumble bee foraging behavior and correlates of seed set provided
indirect support for this hypothesis.