The gastrointestinal tract of a normal fetus is sterile. During the birth p
rocess and rapidly thereafter, microbes from the mother and surrounding env
ironment colonize the gastrointestinal tract of the infant until a dense, c
omplex microbiota develops. The succession of microbes colonizing the intes
tinal tract is most marked in early development, during which the feeding m
ode shifts from breast-feeding to formula feeding to weaning to the introdu
ction of solid food. Dynamic balances exist between the gastrointestinal mi
crobiota, host physiology, and diet that directly influence the initial acq
uisition, developmental succession, and eventual stability of the gut ecosy
stem. In this review, the development of the intestinal microbiota is discu
ssed in terms of initial acquisition and subsequent succession of bacteria
in human infants. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing succession an
d their health significance are discussed. The advantages of modern molecul
ar ecology techniques that provide sensitive and specific, culture-independ
ent evaluation of the gastroinrestinal ecosystem are introduced and discuss
ed briefly. Further advances in our understanding of developmental microbia
l ecology in the neonatal gastrointestinal tract are dependent on the appli
cation of these modern molecular techniques.