Barnadesia is a South American genus with 18 species of trees and shrubs, m
ainly distributed in the Andes. This work represents a modem revision, whic
h comprises taxonomic and phylogenetic aspects. The taxonomic aspect includ
es a description and history of the genus, keys for identification of the g
enera of the subfamily Barnadesioideae and the species of Barnadesia, descr
iptions, an account of morphological and anatomical characters (spines, lea
ves, hairs, corollas, anthers, achenes, pappi, and pollen), synonyms, illus
trations, and distribution maps for each species, as well as a list of doub
tful and excluded taxa. Two new subgenera, subg. Bacasia (Ruiz & Pav.) Urtu
bey and Barnadesia, and a new combination, Barnadesia lehmannii Hieron. var
. villosa (I. C. Chung) Urtubey, are proposed. The following new synonymies
are established: Barnadesia media D. Don = B. arborea Kunth; B. wurdackii
Ferreyra = B. arborea Kunth; B. caryophylla (Vell.) S. F. Blake var. macros
pinosa (Loefgr.) T. C. Chung = B. caryophylla (Vell.) S. F. Blake; B. hutch
isoniana Ferreyra = B. lehmannii Hieron. var. lehmannii; B. polyacantha Wed
d. var. velutina I. C. Chung = B. polyacantha Wedd. The phylogenetic analys
is of Barnadesia was proposed using morphological characters. Polarity of c
haracters was based on outgroup comparison with the genus Fulcaldea. The ge
nus Huarpea was included to test the monophyly of Barnadesia. Two monophyle
tic groups were resolved: (1) B. corymbosa and B. parviflora, and (2) B. le
hmannii, B. reticulata, B. caryophylla, B. polyacantha, B. glomerata, B. od
orata, B. macbridei, B. jelskii, B. aculeata, B. horrida, B. macrocephala,
B. pycnophylla, B. spinosa, B. arborea, B. dbmbeyana, and B. blakeana.