We adopt the Weber & Davis (1967) description of the dynamics of a magnetiz
ed isothermal outflow and add a constant source term to the continuity equa
tion within a specified radius. Steady solutions to the outflow problem are
calculated for various choices of free parameters. The fast-mode Mach numb
ers of fast-mode shocks in the mass-loading regions are calculated on the a
ssumption that jump conditions must connect the preshock flow to the soluti
on which passes smoothly through the fast-mode speed at the edge of the mas
s-loading region. Where the mass loading stagnates the flow, the fast-mode
shock Mach numbers are often little greater than unity. The mass loading ca
n result in the energy transport rate at the shock being reduced significan
tly from that in the gas at small radii. The results are of relevance to ot
her divergent, magnetized, mass-loaded flows including those at boundary la