We report the discovery of an arclike object 27 " from the center of the cD
galaxy in the redshift z = 0.066 cluster A2124. Observations with the Keck
II telescope reveal that the object is a background galaxy at z = 0.573, a
pparently lensed into an are of length similar to 8." 5 and total R magnitu
de m(R) = 20.86 +/- 0.07. The width of the are is resolved; we estimate it
to be similar to 0." 6 after correcting for seeing. A lens model of the A21
24 core mass distribution consistent with the cluster galaxy velocity dispe
rsion reproduces the observed are geometry and indicates a magnification fa
ctor greater than or similar to 9. With this magnification, the strength of
the [O II] lambda 3727 line implies a star formation rate of similar to 0.
4 h(-2) M-circle dot yr(-1). A2124 thus appears to be the lowest redshift c
luster known to exhibit strong lensing of a distant background galaxy.