During Drosophila oogenesis, spatially restricted activity of the TORP
EDO receptor tyrosine kinase first recruits follicle cells adjacent to
the oocyte to a posterior cell fate and then specifies dorsal follicl
e cells. Another receptor tyrosine kinase, BREATHLESS, stimulates migr
ation of the anterior follicle cells known as border cells. Since Ras
is known to mediate many receptor tyrosine kinase effects, we have inv
estigated the role of Ras in follicle cell fate determination, differe
ntiation, and migration throughout oogenesis. Early ectopic Ras activi
ty induced transient expression of posterior follicle cell markers in
anterior follicle cells, but did not inhibit anterior differentiation.
Later ectopic Ras activity inhibited anterior follicle cell different
iation but did not induce posterior marker expression. Complete transf
ormation of anterior follicle cells to posterior follicle cells requir
ed early ectopic Ras activity in egg chambers where terminal different
iation of anterior cells was inhibited. These results suggest that, in
vivo as in vitro, Ras can have diverse effects on different cells, bu
t, in addition, Ras activity can have different effects on the same ce
lls at different stages in their development. (C) 1997 Academic Press.