Evidence is presented that EEG oscillations in the alpha and theta band ref
lect cognitive and memory performance in particular. Good performance is re
lated to two types of EEG phenomena (i) a tonic increase in alpha but a dec
rease in theta power, and (ii) a large phasic (event-related) decrease in a
lpha but increase in theta, depending on the type of memory demands. Becaus
e alpha frequency shows large interindividual differences which are related
to age and memory performance, this double dissociation between alpha vs.
theta and tonic vs. phasic changes can be observed only if fixed frequency
bands are abandoned. It is suggested to adjust the frequency windows of alp
ha and theta for each subject by using individual alpha frequency as an anc
hor point. Based on this procedure, a consistent interpretation of a variet
y of findings is made possible. As an example, in a similar way as brain vo
lume does, upper alpha power increases (but theta power decreases) from ear
ly childhood to adulthood, whereas the opposite holds true for the late par
t of the lifespan. Alpha power is lowered and theta power enhanced in subje
cts with a variety of different neurological disorders. Furthermore, after
sustained wakefulness and during the transition from waking to sleeping whe
n the ability to respond to external stimuli ceases, upper alpha power decr
eases, whereas theta increases. Event-related changes indicate that the ext
ent of upper alpha desynchronization is positively correlated with (semanti
c) long-term memory performance, whereas theta synchronization is positivel
y correlated with the ability to encode new information. The reviewed findi
ngs are interpreted on the basis of brain oscillations. It is suggested tha
t the encoding of new information is reflected by theta oscillations in hip
pocampo-cortical feedback loops, whereas search and retrieval processes in
(semantic) long-term memory are reflected by upper alpha oscillations in th
alamo-cortical feedback loops. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights re