Pathophysiological processes that underlie the profound neuropsychiatric di
sturbances in schizophrenia are poorly understood. However, the clinical co
urse of the disease, and a number of clinical and basic science observation
s, provide direction for formulating pathophysiological models that could b
e empirically tested. For example, repeated psychostimulant administration
to healthy subjects can induce psychotic symptoms, and acute stimulant chal
lenge in schizophrenia patients can precipitate psychosis. Also, NMDA antag
onists induce positive, negative, and cognitive schizophrenic-like symptoms
in healthy volunteers and precipitate thought disorder and delusions in sc
hizophrenia patients. These human studies provide support for the dopamine
and NMDA receptor hypofunction hypotheses of schizophrenia. Well-documented
effects of NMDA antagonists on dopamine systems provide a basis to integra
te the dopamine and NMDA receptor hypofunction hypotheses. Furthermore, it
has become apparent that prominent actions of antipsychotic drugs, especial
ly those with 'atypical' properties, involve antagonism of behavioral, elec
trophysiological and brain metabolic effects produced by administration of
NMDA receptor antagonists. A confluence of clinical and basic science data
suggests that an early developmental insult, potentially involving reduced
NMDA receptor function, could facilitate sensitization of dopamine systems,
leading to the formal onset of schizophrenia in late adolescence and early
adulthood. Although clearly speculative, this conceptual model is consiste
nt with existing evidence and suggests lines of future experimental investi
gation. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.