We have recorded atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of the surfaces of ka
olinite and lizardite. Typically, the AFM images of the rings of basal-O at
oms of these structures have two-fold rotational symmetry, and there is an
apparent difference in height between adjacent tetrahedra. These are anomal
ous features not found in the known structures, and comparison with calcula
ted images of graphite suggest that both features are due to the interactio
n of a double-atom AFM tip with the atoms of the surface of the sample. How
ever, in some cases we have recorded the first images of the O-atoms in the
basal-O plane of sheet silicates at atomic-scale resolution. Currently, th
ere are two views of such AFM images: (1) they show arrays of individual at
oms; (2) they show arrays of averaged atom positions. There are two interpr
etations for the second view. The first relates to the use of two-dimension
al fast-Fourier transforms (2DFFT) to enhance detail in the image, the argu
ment being that the use of 2DFFT introduces spurious features and averages
the atomic positions. The other interpretation is that the periodic repeat-
units of the structure being scanned set up harmonic vibrations in the cant
ilever and produce an image of an average structure. We have recorded a sin
gle image that shows two different atomic repeat-units in different parts o
f the raw image. Enhancement using 2DFFT significantly increases the resolu
tion of each part of the image but maintains the two discrete images of the
different structural elements; it does not average the separate parts of t
he image. In another image, we have recorded atoms that are displaced from
the expected atomic position, a feature that would not be recorded if avera
ging took place. We conclude that these images represents individual atoms
on the surface.