Video-assisted thoracoscopic (VAT) debridement is gaining importance in the
fibrino-purulent phase of empyema thoracis. However, evaluation of this ac
cess compared with mere chest tube drainage or thoracotomy remains unsatisf
actory. A total of 356 parapneumonic empyemas from 1986 to 1997 were retros
pectively analyzed concerning the results after primary treatment (chest tu
be 225, thoracotomy 80, VAT 51). The three groups did not differ significan
tly for gender and associated diseases. Median age of the chest tube draina
ge group (54 years) was higher than for thoracotomy (43.5 years) or VAT (39
years). Median duration of chest tube treatment after thoracotomy (7 days)
was shorter than after VAT (13 days) or chest tube drainage (20 days) (P <
0.0001). The more invasive procedures were also superior to the lesser inv
asive treatment concerning duration of postoperative hospitalization, recur
rence rate and treatment failures. In spite of its better results thoracoto
my will be pushed back by VAT in the treatment of empyema thoracis. Accepta
nce of VAT is reflect-ed in rising numbers of admissions. Based on these re
trospective results we are planning a prospective multicenter trial to eval
uate the indication for VAT in empyema thoracis.